Corporate Governance & Compliance
Our activities are not only economically relevant for our companies, they also have ecological and social effects.Therefore, for us, responsible corporate governance means ensuring our company’s future viability and strong reputation by pursuing a “beyond-compliance” approach and integrating the expectations of our stakeholders into our business activities.We are aware of the potential impact of our business activities on people and the environment, and therefore try to integrate the principle of sustainable development in all our activities and to promote the welfare of our employees, the environment, and the surrounding communities. Our sustainability management focuses on Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSSE), and is therefore based on the activities coordinated by the Group Function HSSE. All of the larger Delmita Tank Storage companies have a designated local HSSE manager to supervise all HSSE-related topics and questions. A separate Team Sustainability within the Group Function HSSE pools all related activities and further develops them in close coordination with the operating units and the local HSSE managers. Sustainability issues are reported directly to the CEO via the Head of the Group Function HSSE.
Sustainability Strategy
To keep improving our sustainability performance and more strategically direct our efforts in the areas that are material for us, Delmita Tank Storage started to develop a comprehensive sustainability strategy. To anchor the afore mentioned six key strategic issues in our global activities we use various instruments and measures. To firmly establish responsibility for environmental and social issues at the highest level, the relevant principles are reflected in our HSSE Policy. We develop our internal policies and standards based on internationally recognized principles of responsible entrepreneurship. The basis for this is our Code of Conduct, which is binding for all employees. Other tools include internal audits, the implementation of certified management systems, and a statistical monitoring of key performance indicators (Key Performance Indicators – KPIs).
Our good reputation and its protection are very important for us. To safeguard it and ensure correct, law-compliant behavior, we have developed various guidelines and procedures. Important guidelines and instruments are amongst others our Code of Conduct, the Concerns and Reporting Platform (CARE Platform) and the internal whistleblowing system. The tasks of the Group Function Compliance include identifying compliance risks, developing appropriate compliance programs, and implementing them through practical measures such as training. The focus is on prevention of corruption and bribery, competition law and sanction-related topics.
At Delmita Tank Storage, we offer various channels for employees and external stakeholders to report suspected misconduct. We know that speaking up is not always easy. It takes courage and trust. That is why we provide secure and anonymous communication paths, true to the motto “If you care, you share!” As a general rule, compliance concerns should be handled locally. Managers and supervisors are usually the right persons to contact. However, when it comes to serious allegations like fraud, corruption and anti-competitive practices, an objective and structured follow-up is in the best interests of Delmita Tank Storage. Besides, there may be situations in which concerns were addressed locally but have not been solved. We provide several reporting channels for systematically pursuing these cases.